zaterdag 5 september 2009

Reading journal 2


I often just want to read and because I'm to lazy to go to a library and search for one, I go to a bookshop like Borders or Kinokuniya bookshop. There I just walk around till I find something that I like. Sometimes I don't find anything and go back home but often, I find really good books. Mostly I search for books were you have bigger series like 3 or more books from the same story.

This series are really nice and I only can recommend them to others if you like reading fiction.
I read the whole series of 3 books and I give it a rating of 4.2 over 5.

I'll give you the titles for when you might be interested:
- The Magicians Guild
- The Novice
- The High Lord

I don't exactly know the place and time were it's playing itself but it has some connection points through the books that are related to our daily world.

My 2 vocabulary words are:
- scarf (
- beckoning (

The main character is a slum girl that on day finds out that she has magical powers. The magical powers, however, are not controlled and she destroys a lot of things e.g. buildings set on fire, people die, etc. There is a guild that has all the magicians with them and they train them so they're not happy to hear that a slum girl has magical powers which they and the girl can't control. She's a danger for the city so the magicians go and look for her. They only have to follow the trace of broken, burned and destroyed things to find her.
She's captured and they try to persuade her to stay with them.
She's interesting to read about because you find a lot of things that you would do exactly the same if you were in that time and place.


1 opmerking:

  1. Yannick,
    This book sounds really interesting. I have never heard of it... I would like to disci=over that I have magical powers one day and I too might burn down a few buildings 'acidentally'.
    Great work, younhave explained your thoughts very well.
    Mrs F
