vrijdag 21 augustus 2009


I read the series of lionboy and I liked it very much.
In the beginning I didn't want to read it but I had to get my English on level again.
I read the series of 3 books in 5 days and I noticed that I didn't read as fast as I normally do.

The titles are Lionboy, Lionboy The Chase and Lionboy The Truth written by Zizou Corder.
The setting is in the future and I found the books when I was wandering in Borders Bookshop.
I give it a rating of 4 over 5.

My 2 new vocabulary words are gob (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gob) and dumbstruck

The setting is in the future when there is no oil anymore and cars ride on sun energy. The book starts in England but the main character, his parents, some cats and 6 homesick lions travel from Europe to Africa and from there to America. The setting is important in the story because they have to travel by boat with sail and stuff like they used in the 19Th century and if it wasn't like that then the lions and the main character couldn't have escaped from their enemy's.

I can advise you to read this book because it's good to learn English and it's exciting too.
You don't need more than that.


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Yannick,
    This is an excellent journal entry. I am pleased that you enjoyed Lion Boy. I read it with my son and also enjoyed it.
    You have written very clearly and interestingly...enough to make someone want to read the books.
    Well done. I am very pleased to have you in my class.
    Mrs Farre
