vrijdag 6 november 2009

The hitchhiker

Reading journal 10

The hitchhiker by Roald Dahl

The story is about a writer who is rich and who just bought a new car. A BMW 3.3 Li and he's driving to London to go to a juweller with his wife's ring to get it fixed when he sees a hitchhiker a few meters in front of him. he stops and let the man step into the car. The driver, of who we don't get to know the name askes the hitchhiker, who's name is Michael Fish, lots of question but eventually stops because he knows that it's really irritating if you get questioned whole the time. after a while the hitchhiker asks how fast the car could go and he wouldn't believe that the car could go 129 miles an hour. They had a bet and the driver puts his foot down onto the accelerator. when the car almost reached 122 mph, they heard the scream of a police siren. They had to stop the car and the policeman came over and questioned them. They had driven to fast and the officer noted every single detail down in his notebook. After that, the policeman questoined the hitchhiker and when he finally went away, the two men weren't happy at all. the driver would go into prison and the hitchhiker would be checked upon. When they drove further the hitchhiker explained the driver that he was a fingersmith and he thought that calling him a pickpocket was very rude. In the end of the story, the hitchhiker tells the driver thqat he stole the policeman's notebook so they had not to worry and could go home in a happy mood.

I give this story a 2.5 out of 5
The setting is on the highway to London

I didn't like this story to much because it was to long about the same thing. There was only one turning and that was when they got caught by the police but for the rest of the story they were just sitting there and talking and I thought that that was a little boring.

vrijdag 23 oktober 2009

journal entry 9

Title: The Necklace
genre: fiction
time: past
setting: city (unknown)

The story is about a poor couple that is invited to a ball but instead of being happy about it, the women is very unhappy because she has nothing to wear for the ball. For a lot of money she buys a dress but she's still not happy because she has no juwels to wear. She goes to her rich friend to borrow some juwels. She borrows a beautiful necklace and wears it on the ball but when going home, she looses it. With all the rest of their money and moneylenders, they buy a new one for the lady that borrowed them the necklace. During 10 years, they work very hard to repay all the depts they had.
One morning, she meets the lady where she borrowed the necklace from and they started talking. The poor women explains about the lost necklace and the new one where they have worked for so hard. The rich lady is shocked and then explains that the necklace was only imitation.

I think this is really bad luck for the poor women. They spend all their money on the new necklace and now they found out that its only imitation. They worked for it during 10 years. Hard work that actually was for nothing.

zaterdag 26 september 2009

Reading journal 6,

Last week in English class, each of us had to read a story (some chapters of a story) and that's what I'm going to write about in this journal.

The title is "holes" and it's about a boy who has overweight and is arrested for a murder he didn't do (for so far that I could read, I don't think that the boy did it).

The boy, called Stanley, is arrested and now transferred to a place called 'Camp Green Lake' but there is no green and there is no lake because it's somewhere in a desert. Every day, he has to dig 1 hole which is 5 feet deep and 5 feet across in every direction. when he has done that he has the rest of the day to do what he wants.

I feel sad for him because the boy can't do anything about the thing that he's arrested. He was in the wrong place in the wrong time. Now he has to work very hard, sleep in tents, doesn't get enough water, and has to live a very uncomfortable life.
I wouldn't want to be in his place because it is just such a big change in your life, he didn't do anything wrong and he doesn't have friends.

I don't really want to read the book because it doesn't sound so interesting to me.

zaterdag 19 september 2009

Reading journal 5,

The book is called Scorpia and is the fifth book of a series of six books.

It is a really exciting book and not only the bok is but whole the series is.

I give it a rating of 4.5 out of 5

my two new words are ( I translated them in English as best as I could but the book is written in Dutch, you can buy it in English)
- binocular (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/binocular)
- hermetic (http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=hermetic)

The main character is a boy of 14 who against his own will has to operate as a secret agent for MI6. She is really good at being a spy but he wants a normal life and make friends instead of risking his life whole the time.
I can't really place me in the situations he gets in and out alive. It is interesting to read about just because it is so extreme. A bit like James Bond but then with a teenager spy.

dinsdag 15 september 2009


For homework, I had to read 2 blogs of another person in the class.
I choose Joy's blog (http://joyie09.blogspot.com/) and Dreanne's blog (http://draeanneie09.blogspot.com/).

Joy's blog:
Dream land:
  • This journal entry of Joy really touched me.
  • She wrote clearly and with a good expression of her feelings.
  • Her describtion of where your home is, mainly corresponds with my thoughts about this book.

Dreanne's blog: Language Incident In Hongkong:

  • I really found this a funny story about her language misunderstanding.
  • She wrote it in a style so that any person can read it and still understand it and laugh with it.

I read these blogs because they were the first ones that I entered and read.

vrijdag 11 september 2009


This book is the fifth book of an Anthony Horowitz series.
It is named Necropolis.
I read the other books when I was in middle school but last week I went to buy the last book because I suddenly remembered that there still was a fifth book of that series.
I rapidly read some chapters of the four other books so I remembered what the story was about again and than started with this book.
I read it in 3 days. It was a really good book.

I give it a rating of 4 out of 5

My new words are:

The setting is in the daily world of now but 5 children spread over the whole world have a magical power and when they are all together, they can defeat the black things that are preparing to destroy the world. Their journey leads them to the dying city of Hong Kong where the children find the last person. They try to defeat the black power but they first have to cope with a huge hurricane. The setting is important because of the people who live there, the companies which are described in the book, and it has to be situated next to the sea. It has the effect of having a strange tension that is woven into the story.

zaterdag 5 september 2009

Reading journal 3


I told you once before that I love reading series of books where you have like 3 or more books of the same series. It's the same with this one.
There are 4 books of this series and 2 books are more fun and interesting to read than the other two.
The names are:
-City of Masks
- City of Stars
- City of Flowers
- City of Secrets
They are really nice but sometimes a bit tricky to read.
I give it a rating of 4 out of 5.

My 2 new/tricky words are:
- contemplating (http:wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=contemplation/)
- pathetic (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pathetic/)

In every book, a person from our daily world finds a talisman and goes with it to the past.
The story happens in early Italy. You read a lot of details where out you can make that it is in Italy.
In one of the first books, a girl called Georgia is being bullied by her step-brother whole the time. She is so desperate because she can't do anything against it because her parents don't believe her. They think that she's doing it on purpose so that her brother gets punished so they don't do anything. So it keeps going on and on.
I think this is really sad. If your (step-) brother is like that and you have to live with it.
I hope it never happens to me and I wish that it will not happen to other people.
I think lots of people get bullied by someone else and that they really don't like it.

Reading journal 2


I often just want to read and because I'm to lazy to go to a library and search for one, I go to a bookshop like Borders or Kinokuniya bookshop. There I just walk around till I find something that I like. Sometimes I don't find anything and go back home but often, I find really good books. Mostly I search for books were you have bigger series like 3 or more books from the same story.

This series are really nice and I only can recommend them to others if you like reading fiction.
I read the whole series of 3 books and I give it a rating of 4.2 over 5.

I'll give you the titles for when you might be interested:
- The Magicians Guild
- The Novice
- The High Lord

I don't exactly know the place and time were it's playing itself but it has some connection points through the books that are related to our daily world.

My 2 vocabulary words are:
- scarf (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarf/)
- beckoning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beckon/)

The main character is a slum girl that on day finds out that she has magical powers. The magical powers, however, are not controlled and she destroys a lot of things e.g. buildings set on fire, people die, etc. There is a guild that has all the magicians with them and they train them so they're not happy to hear that a slum girl has magical powers which they and the girl can't control. She's a danger for the city so the magicians go and look for her. They only have to follow the trace of broken, burned and destroyed things to find her.
She's captured and they try to persuade her to stay with them.
She's interesting to read about because you find a lot of things that you would do exactly the same if you were in that time and place.


vrijdag 21 augustus 2009


I read the series of lionboy and I liked it very much.
In the beginning I didn't want to read it but I had to get my English on level again.
I read the series of 3 books in 5 days and I noticed that I didn't read as fast as I normally do.

The titles are Lionboy, Lionboy The Chase and Lionboy The Truth written by Zizou Corder.
The setting is in the future and I found the books when I was wandering in Borders Bookshop.
I give it a rating of 4 over 5.

My 2 new vocabulary words are gob (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/gob) and dumbstruck

The setting is in the future when there is no oil anymore and cars ride on sun energy. The book starts in England but the main character, his parents, some cats and 6 homesick lions travel from Europe to Africa and from there to America. The setting is important in the story because they have to travel by boat with sail and stuff like they used in the 19Th century and if it wasn't like that then the lions and the main character couldn't have escaped from their enemy's.

I can advise you to read this book because it's good to learn English and it's exciting too.
You don't need more than that.


donderdag 13 augustus 2009


I'm Yannick and I'm 14 years old.
My home country is Belgium
I came too Singapore in january 09
I go to school in OFS
I like tennis, swimming running and athletics