vrijdag 6 november 2009

The hitchhiker

Reading journal 10

The hitchhiker by Roald Dahl

The story is about a writer who is rich and who just bought a new car. A BMW 3.3 Li and he's driving to London to go to a juweller with his wife's ring to get it fixed when he sees a hitchhiker a few meters in front of him. he stops and let the man step into the car. The driver, of who we don't get to know the name askes the hitchhiker, who's name is Michael Fish, lots of question but eventually stops because he knows that it's really irritating if you get questioned whole the time. after a while the hitchhiker asks how fast the car could go and he wouldn't believe that the car could go 129 miles an hour. They had a bet and the driver puts his foot down onto the accelerator. when the car almost reached 122 mph, they heard the scream of a police siren. They had to stop the car and the policeman came over and questioned them. They had driven to fast and the officer noted every single detail down in his notebook. After that, the policeman questoined the hitchhiker and when he finally went away, the two men weren't happy at all. the driver would go into prison and the hitchhiker would be checked upon. When they drove further the hitchhiker explained the driver that he was a fingersmith and he thought that calling him a pickpocket was very rude. In the end of the story, the hitchhiker tells the driver thqat he stole the policeman's notebook so they had not to worry and could go home in a happy mood.

I give this story a 2.5 out of 5
The setting is on the highway to London

I didn't like this story to much because it was to long about the same thing. There was only one turning and that was when they got caught by the police but for the rest of the story they were just sitting there and talking and I thought that that was a little boring.